Sale and purchase advice within Amasus is based on years of market information and market knowledge regarding the revenues to be realized and on many years of reporting experience with regard to the expected operating costs and capital charges of the ships.
Amasus has a large national and international network of ship owners, brokers, bankers, tax specialists, accountants and shipyards.
Expansion of the fleet affiliated with Amasus is at the service of the market segments selected by Amasus. In close consultation with cargo stakeholders, the chartering department responds to the demand for capacity from the industry within sea-river shipping and the shortsea special cargo market.
View our fleet on the fleet list.

Shipping is one of the driving forces behind globalisation and thereby the enormous growth in international world trade. This growth has caused a great demand for shipping capacity, which has led to increases in the scale of the vessels and intensive new building programmes.
Loading and unloading destinations
Loading and unloading destinations within the market segments selected by Amasus are characterised by their limitations in maximum draft and the maximum dimensions of the vessels used. This natural brake on increases in scale has protected the above market segments from over capacity.