Amasus Shipping


27 maart 2023

Keel laying Eems B-serie

Major milestone of our new building project NB33 Eems Bison March 18. A delegation of Amasus and Handelskade shipsales witnessed the keel laying in Turkey. We thank Bogazici Shipyard as host of the ceremony of the first Eems B out of a serie of 4 and...
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31 december 2022

New Year

Thanks to all of you for your trust and support in 2022. We wish you all a happy New Year and an energizing 2023!
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13 oktober 2022

Announcement Eems B- Serie

We're happy to announce the signing of a contract with Handelskade Shipsales and Bogazici Shipyard for a series of four open top MPP shortsea cargo ships. These Eems B-types are engineered in good cooperation with DEKC maritime, classed by LR and hav...
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29 juli 2022

Amasus Shipping nieuwe tenuesponsor FC Emmen

Dit seizoen staat Amasus op de linkermouw van het FC Emmen-shirt. Het full service zeescheepvaartkantoor is een sponsorovereenkomst aangegaan voor één seizoen. Eric Vonk, directeur bevrachting van Amasus: “Met het sponsorschap bij FC Emmen willen...
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25 april 2022

Successful modification mv Rotra Mare & Rotra Vente

The lasts months mv Rotra Mare and mv Rotra Vente went through a huge modification. These modifications made it possible for both vessels to transport the next generations windmill equipment. Rotra VenteThe for the Rotra Vente so characteristic cove...
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15 april 2021

mv Eemslift Hendrika

We are grateful and relieved for the fact that the crew, the cargo and the vessel Eemslift Hendrika were saved last week.  First of all we would like to express our gratitude to everyone who was involved in the rescue operation. Besides the professi...
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